Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Due to recent emergence of Diabetes as a prominent blinding disease in the society and more and more people getting aware of the situation, JPM Rotary Eye Hospital conducts regular Diabetic eye screening programmes in its hospital premises on day-to-day OPD basis and as well as free screening camps. Patients in need are advised accordingly.
On 14th September 2015, we have also launched a programme ‘Diabetic Retinopathy Screening on Wheel’ flagged off by the Mayor, BMC Mr. Ananta Narayan Jena, Mr. R. N. Mohanty, CEO, Sightsavers, Mr. Rakesh Makkar, Fullerton India and Rtn. PP. Sushanta Mohanty, the then President-JPM and other Rotarians. Under this programme Diabetic Retinopathy equipments mounted in a bike rolls out in various remote areas of cuttack and conducts regular check up of patients having Diabetic Retinopathy.