Oculoplastic surgery is the cosmetic, corrective and reconstructive surgery of the eye. It repairs problems primarily related to the tissues or structures surrounding the eye, rather than the eyeball itself.
At JPM Rotary Eye Hospital, a number of patients are seen in the Oculoplasty clinic daily with a variety of eyelid disorders including mal-positions (Ptosis, entropion, ectropion), benign and malignant eyelid tumours, facial dystonias etc.
Facilities available at JPM Rotary Eye Hospital
This faculty at JPM deals with cosmetic and corrective reconstructive surgery of the eyelids, the tear ducts and the orbit. This department deals with total eye care solutions being given to patients having:
- Cosmetic correction for eye
- Baggy eyelids
- Drooping eyebrows
- Watery eyes
- Protruding eyes
- Fractures and facial trauma
- Unsightly eyes
- Drooping eyelids
- Inturned / everted eyelids
- Inturned eyelashes
- Lid tumours and other masses