Pledge Your Eye
We have 2.5 million corneal blind in our country. It is tragic that 20,000 blind add on to this backlog each year. Most of them can regain vision by Corneal Grafting Surgery, but only if we donate the eyes of each one of our departed friends, kith and kin.
1. Register yourselves, family and friends as EYE DONORS.
2. Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Old age, Wearing spectacles etc.., are NO BAR for eye donation.
3. Eyes should be collected WITHEN SIX HOURS of death.
4. Eyes will be collected at donor’s place ANY WHERE IN CUTTACK, BHUBANESWAR or any WHERE NEARBY AT TIME, DAY OR NIGHT.
5. Collection of eyes takes only 20 minutes and does not DISFIGURE the face of the donor.
6. The deceased NEED NOT NECESSARILY BE AN EYE DONOR for donation of eyes.
7. Collection, processing & distribution of eyes are done totally FREE OF COST.
8. When you come ACROSS death, please:
A. INFORM the Eye Bank immediately.
B. Put a polythene cover filled with ice cubes on the deceased’s FOREHEAD.
C. RAISE the head with a pillow and put off the fan.
9. MOTIVATE for Eye donation.
Download Pledge Your Eye Form
The completed Eye Donation Pledge Form may please be sent to